Choong Sil Kwan Philosophy

Choong Sil Kwan Taekwondo

Our Choong Sil Kwan philosophy was written by Grandmaster Robert H. Hardin. He is the founder of the Choong Sil Taekwondo Federation. His training began in 1968. Throughout his career he has taught martial artists and fighters across the country, founded several schools, and developed the CTF into a national organization. Grandmaster Hardin holds recognition from Grandmaster Park Jung Tae (GTF), General Choi Hong Hi (ITF), and Grandmaster James K. Roberts (AAU), and more. He has held leadership roles within different organizations throughout his martial arts career.

Stevens Family Taekwondo is proud to be a long-time member of this federation. Our priority is to guide people through their martial arts journey with integrity. We want to give people the tools they need to become excellent martial artists and excellent people.

We hope that the key points of the CTF philosophy will help guide you towards achieving excellence in your own life.

Choong Sil Kwan Philosophy

The purpose of Choong Sil Kwan Taekwondo is to develop an individual’s mental and physical well-being through a highly stylized and deliberate method of rigorous martial arts training. The result of this training is the empowering sense of self-worth and the ability to control one’s physical state and personal destiny.

The student is guided into four stages of philosophical development:

  1. Imagination
  2. Inspiration
  3. Actualization
  4. Realization

In the initial stage of philosophical development, students must use their imagination to set goals beyond their current limitations and, from this, visualize their achievements in advance. This, in turn, strengthens their belief system to the point that specific goals are possible and obtainable.

With goals firmly in mind, the students must learn to self-inspire themselves into action, as they develop a sense of self-worth. Without this, they may never strive for success as they may feel that they do not deserve the rewards that accompany achievement.

Actualization is taking the first step and entering into the process of the work and reward system. The development of a strong work ethic is the most important element in this philosophy. Even the most average of people can achieve excellence with a positive work habit.

Realization refers to the attainment of one’s goals. Upon reaching these achievements, new privileges are merited as new goals are recognized. This process perpetuates itself as the previous results offer new challenges and new responsibilities. This positive growth cycle not only improves oneself, but also the immediate world around you. This concept of “constant and never-ending improvement” is the ultimate purpose of Choong Sil Kwan.
